Our clean, meticulous process is the result of thousands of implementations.  Start today and your system could be in operation and saving you money in as little as a week. 

5-Step Process from Start to Finish

1. In-Home Consultation

Our Comfort Specialists will perform a comprehensive assessment, including: 

  • Discussing your needs and objectives 
  • Touring relevant areas of the house 
  • Surveying existing heating and cooling systems 
  • Reviewing results and potential options 

If your state requires an energy assessment to qualify for rebates, we will dispatch a certified technician to perform a series of tests and provide a list of required energy-saving measures (such as insulation) and their cost.  The no cost assessment will also calculate the rebates and incentives that may apply to these measures.

2. Recommendations

Two days later, we’ll send a detailed project plan and cost estimate. This is for you to review at your leisure and without pressure. The estimate will recommend: 

  • System components and models 
  • Placement of interior air handling units and exterior compressors 
  • Cost estimate, including a detailed calculation of applicable rebates and tax credits 

3. Project Planning

We’ll take care of all the pre-project planning activities, including: 

  • Equipment ordering  
  • Securing all required permits and permissions 

4. Implementation

Upon your approval, we’ll arrange for installation. This is a clean, noninvasive process carried out by our meticulous technicians. 

  • Delivery and installation of all system components
  • Full system testing 
  • User training (remote control, annual maintenance recommendations) 
  • Cleaning job site 
  • Removal and disposal of unneeded legacy HVAC system components

DONE BY DINNER GUARANTEED!  If your installation is not done by dinner, then dinner at the restaurant of your choice is on us.* 

5. Documentation

Within two days, you’ll receive: 

  • Warranty documentation 
  • Invoice deducting full amount of calculated rebates 

* Applies only to installations completed after 6 p.m.  Dinner compensated up to $250, or $50 per family member, whichever is lower.  Where an installation was originally forecasted to take more than one day, applies only to 6 p.m. completion on the final day. 

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