New York Government Incentives and Utility Energy-Saving Programs

Albany New York State

Governments at both the federal and local levels recognize the importance of energy conservation and offer a range of incentives to encourage homeowners to adopt energy-efficient practices and technologies. These incentives can significantly reduce your upfront costs and ongoing energy expenses. In this section, we’ll explore government incentives such as tax credits and rebates, as well as local utility energy-saving programs that can help you save money on your heating bills.

New York State is committed to promoting energy conservation and has implemented several programs and incentives to encourage homeowners to adopt energy-efficient practices and technologies. These incentives and programs can significantly reduce your upfront costs and ongoing energy expenses. In this section, we’ll explore government incentives such as tax credits and rebates, as well as local utility energy-saving programs tailored to New York State residents.

Federal Tax Credits

Energy-Efficient Upgrades: The federal government often provides tax credits for homeowners who make energy-efficient upgrades, such as installing energy-efficient heating systems, insulation, or solar panels.

Dollar-for-Dollar Savings: These tax credits allow you to reduce your federal income tax liability on a dollar-for-dollar basis, resulting in significant savings.

Rebates and Incentive Programs

Local and State Programs: Many states and municipalities offer rebate programs for energy-efficient improvements, including heating systems, weatherization, and smart thermostats.

New York State Programs: The state of New York offers a range of rebate programs for energy-efficient improvements, including heating systems, weatherization, and smart thermostats.

Cash Back: These programs provide cash rebates or incentives to homeowners in New York who upgrade to energy-efficient equipment or take energy-saving measures, making it more affordable to invest in heating system improvements.

energy incentive programs

Energy Efficiency Financing

New York State offers low-interest loans to help homeowners finance energy-efficient upgrades, making it more affordable to invest in heating system improvements and other energy-saving measures.

Local Utility Programs

Energy Audits: Local utility companies may provide free or subsidized energy audits to help you identify energy-saving opportunities in your home.

Rebates and Discounts: Utility companies often offer rebates and discounts on energy-efficient appliances, heating systems, and insulation.

Time-of-Use Rates: Some utilities offer time-of-use rate plans that encourage you to use energy during off-peak hours when rates are lower.

Renewable Energy Incentives

Solar Panel Incentives: In addition to federal incentives, New York State offers additional incentives for installing solar panels and other renewable energy systems that can offset heating costs for residents.

Energy Efficiency Education

Governments and utilities may provide educational resources, workshops, and seminars to help homeowners learn about energy-efficient practices and technologies.

Appliance Rebate Programs

Some programs in New York State offer rebates for purchasing high-efficiency heating appliances, such as furnaces, boilers, or heat pumps, providing financial incentives for upgrading your heating systems.

By taking advantage of these government incentives and local utility programs tailored to New York State, you can achieve substantial savings on your heating bills and overall energy costs. Be sure to research and explore the available incentives and programs in your area to maximize the financial benefits of energy-efficient upgrades and practices in your New York home.

21 Smart Heating Habits That’ll Warm Your Wallet

drinking hot tea by fireplace. warm and comfy

Heating your home efficiently doesn’t only rely on your heating system; it also involves your everyday habits. By adopting smart heating habits, you can reduce energy consumption, lower your heating bills, and minimize your environmental footprint. Let’s delve into some practical and cost-effective strategies to optimize your home’s warmth while keeping energy usage in check.

Dress Warmly Indoors

Layering: Wearing layered clothing indoors is an effective way to stay comfortable at lower indoor temperatures. By bundling up, you can reduce the need to crank up the thermostat.

Use of Blankets: Keep cozy while watching TV or reading by using blankets or throws. They provide additional insulation and comfort without increasing your heating expenses.

Maximizing Natural Heat Sources

Sunlight: Take advantage of the sun’s natural warmth during the day. Open curtains or blinds to allow sunlight to enter your home. Sunlight can naturally raise indoor temperatures and reduce your reliance on heating systems.

Strategic Furniture Placement: Ensure that furniture, like sofas and cabinets, doesn’t block heat sources such as radiators or heating vents. Allowing warm air to circulate freely ensures a more evenly heated space.

Adjust Thermostat Settings

Lower Temperature at Night: While you sleep or when no one is home, consider lowering your thermostat setting. Cooler nighttime temperatures reduce heating costs without sacrificing your comfort. A programmable thermostat can make this adjustment automatic.

Use a Programmable Thermostat: Programmable thermostats are a valuable addition to your home. They allow you to create customized heating schedules, adjusting the temperature based on your daily routines. You can have warmer temperatures when you’re awake and lower settings when you’re away.

Close Doors and Curtains

Room Isolation: Close doors to rooms that aren’t in use. This prevents heat from escaping into areas where you don’t need it. It’s an easy way to optimize heating efficiency.

Curtains and Drapes: In the evening, close curtains or drapes to provide an extra layer of insulation against cold windows. This minimizes heat loss through the glass.

woman placing a draft stopper at bottom of door

Use Draft Stoppers

Draft stoppers are designed to seal gaps along the bottom of doors. They prevent cold air from entering your home and stop warm air from escaping. Place these in areas where drafts are common, such as under exterior doors.

Optimize Ceiling Fans

During the winter, set your ceiling fans to rotate clockwise at a low speed. This pushes warm air back down to the living area, which is especially useful in rooms with high ceilings.

Regular HVAC Maintenance

Change Air Filters: The efficiency of your heating system depends on clean air filters. Regularly replace air filters to ensure your system operates optimally.

Scheduled Maintenance: Consider professional HVAC maintenance to keep your heating system in top condition. Routine inspections and servicing can improve energy efficiency and extend the lifespan of your equipment.

Cook and Bake Strategically

When you’re done cooking or baking, leave the oven door open for a while. The residual heat will warm your kitchen, serving a dual purpose and reducing the need for additional heating.

Avoid Blocking Radiators and Vents

Ensure that radiators and heating vents are not obstructed by furniture, drapes, or other objects. Unrestricted airflow allows for more efficient heat distribution throughout your home.

space heater in living room

Use Space Heaters Efficiently

Space heaters can be energy-efficient when used selectively. Rather than heating your entire house, use them to warm specific areas as needed. Remember to follow safety guidelines when using space heaters.

Insulate Pipes and Water Heaters:

Insulate hot water pipes to prevent heat loss. This helps reduce the energy required to heat water for various household tasks. insulate your water heater to keep the water hot for longer periods, minimizing the need for constant heating.

Zone Heating

Zone heating involves focusing your heating efforts on occupied areas of your home while keeping other rooms cooler. This approach is an energy-efficient way to reduce heating expenses, allowing you to maintain comfort where you need it most.

Regularly Clean Radiators and Baseboard Heaters

Cleaning radiators and baseboard heaters is essential. Dust and debris can accumulate, hindering their efficiency and causing uneven heat distribution. Regular maintenance ensures better performance and heat dispersion.

Mind the Fireplace

An open fireplace damper can let warm indoor air escape, leading to heat loss and higher energy bills. Encourage closing the damper when the fireplace is not in use to prevent drafts and conserve heat.

Window Insulation

During the winter, consider using window insulation kits to prevent drafts and heat loss through windows. These kits create a barrier that retains indoor warmth, reducing the load on your heating system.

changing smart thermostat with mobile phone

Invest in Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats offer the convenience of learning your heating preferences and adjusting temperature settings automatically. By optimizing comfort and energy use, these devices can lead to significant savings over time.

Weatherstrip and Seal Doors and Windows

Reiterate the importance of sealing gaps around doors and windows with weatherstripping and caulk. Proper sealing prevents drafts and heat escape, ensuring that your heating system operates efficiently.

Reduce Heat While Cooking

When cooking, use lids on pots and pans to retain heat and reduce cooking times. This not only conserves energy but also helps to create a more comfortable kitchen environment.

Take Advantage of Home Automation

Home automation systems can integrate heating control, allowing you to adjust your heating system remotely through your smartphone or via voice commands. This modern technology empowers you to manage your heating more efficiently.

Schedule Regular Energy Audits

To receive expert advice on optimizing your home’s energy efficiency, recommend scheduling professional energy audits. These comprehensive assessments can identify areas of improvement and ensure that your heating system operates at its best.

By incorporating these additional smart heating habits into your daily routine, you can not only reduce your heating expenses but also enjoy a more comfortable living environment. These practices save you money and make a significant contribution to creating a more sustainable and energy-efficient home.

11 Tips to Save Money on Your Heating Bill

piggy bank saving money for girl wrapped in blanket

Saving money on heating bills is a priority for many households. The cost of keeping our homes warm during the colder months can add up significantly, impacting our monthly budgets and overall financial well-being. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies and practices that homeowners can implement to reduce their heating expenses without sacrificing comfort or warmth.

Whether you’re looking to make your home more energy-efficient, optimize your heating system, or adopt smart heating habits, we’ve got you covered. By implementing these tips, you can take meaningful steps towards a more cost-effective and eco-friendly approach to heating your home. Let’s explore a wide range of tips and techniques aimed at helping you cut down on your heating costs.

1. Proper Insulation

Proper insulation in walls, attics, floors, and sealing gaps is crucial for preventing heat loss and reducing heating bills. Examples of insulation improvements include adding attic insulation, sealing gaps around doors and windows, and upgrading to energy-efficient windows.

2. Programmable Thermostats

Programmable thermostats allow you to schedule temperature adjustments, ensuring your heating system runs efficiently. They can also be programmed to lower the temperature when you’re away or asleep, saving energy and money.

3. Zone Heating

Zone heating involves heating
specific areas of your home rather than the entire space. It can be achieved using zoned HVAC systems, space heaters, or fireplace inserts. Zone heating can result in significant cost savings by reducing the need to heat unused areas.

4. Weatherization

Weatherization is a comprehensive approach to improving energy efficiency. Key measures include caulking and weatherstripping, insulating attics and basements, sealing ductwork, and upgrading doors and windows. These improvements minimize heat loss and drafts, leading to lower heating costs.

5. Smart Heating Habits

Adopting smart heating habits, such as dressing warmly indoors, using blankets, and closing curtains at night, can reduce your reliance on heating systems. These simple practices can significantly lower your heating bills.

6. Solar Heating

Solar heating, both passive and active (solar panels), harnesses solar energy to heat your home. Passive solar design utilizes sunlight and thermal mass to provide natural warmth, while solar panels convert sunlight into electricity for heating purposes. Solar heating can lead to substantial long-term savings.

7. Fireplace Efficiency

To maximize fireplace efficiency, use seasoned firewood, install glass doors, and consider fireplace inserts. Additionally, seal the chimney when not in use to prevent drafts and heat loss.

8. Home Energy Monitoring

Smart energy monitoring devices provide real-time data on energy consumption, helping homeowners identify energy-wasting patterns and make informed adjustments. Monitoring your heating system’s performance and temperature settings can lead to substantial savings.

9. Government Incentives and Utility Energy Saving Programs

Governments and local utilities offer incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and low-interest loans to encourage energy-efficient upgrades. These programs can offset the cost of energy-saving improvements and make them more affordable.

10. Home Energy Audit

A comprehensive home energy audit assesses your home’s energy efficiency, identifies areas of improvement, and provides recommendations. It’s a valuable tool for saving money on utility bills by addressing energy inefficiencies.

11. Regular Scheduled HVAC Maintenance Plans

Scheduled HVAC maintenance plans involve routine inspections, cleaning, and adjustments to ensure that your heating system operates efficiently and reliably. This proactive approach can extend your system’s lifespan and optimize performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In this section, we’ll address some common questions related to heating and energy efficiency to provide you with clear answers and helpful insights. 

What should I set my heat on to save money?

To save money, set your thermostat to a lower temperature when you’re away from home or at night when you’re sleeping. The recommended setting for energy savings during the winter is around 68°F when you’re home and awake.

What temperature should I set the heater at night?

At night, when you’re sleeping and bundled up in blankets, you can lower your thermostat further, typically between 60-65°F, to save on heating costs.

What temperature should I set the thermostat in summer?

To save energy during the summer, set your thermostat to a temperature that is higher than your comfort level when you’re at home. A setting of around 78-80°F is a good starting point.

What temperature should I set the thermostat in summer when away?

When you’re away from home during the summer, it’s advisable to set your thermostat to a higher temperature, such as 85-88°F, to reduce cooling costs.

What temperature should I set the air conditioner when away in winter?

When you’re away during the winter, you can set your thermostat to a lower temperature, typically around 55-60°F, to save on heating costs. Be cautious not to set it too low to avoid freezing pipes.

Is it more efficient to turn the heat on and off?

It is generally more efficient to lower the thermostat when you’re away or asleep rather than turning the heat on and off frequently. Turning it on and off frequently can result in more energy usage.

What is the ideal setting to leave heat on when not home?

When you’re not at home, it’s recommended to set your thermostat to a lower temperature, typically around 55-60°F, to conserve energy while preventing freezing pipes during cold weather.

These answers provide general guidance, but it’s important to adjust thermostat settings based on your comfort preferences, climate, and the energy efficiency of your heating system. Consider investing in a programmable thermostat to automate temperature adjustments and maximize energy savings.

From proper insulation and programmable thermostats to zoning, weatherization, and smart heating habits, you have a range of options to choose from. Additionally, solar heating, fireplace efficiency, home energy monitoring, government incentives, and home energy audits offer further opportunities for energy efficiency and cost savings.

Regular HVAC maintenance plans are essential for optimizing your heating system’s performance and longevity. Moreover, the FAQ section has addressed common questions related to thermostat settings and energy efficiency.

By implementing these tips and practices, you can achieve significant savings on your heating bills while reducing your environmental impact. Ultimately, these measures lead to a more comfortable and cost-effective heating system, ensuring that your home remains warm and cozy throughout the year.

For your heating energy needs, consider the reliable services of Hop Energy at, ensuring warmth and efficiency for your home.

Skilled Labor Series: HVAC and Heat Pumps With Scott Arnold

A man edited in front of text and a yellow background that fades. The titled text says "Arnold Scott on HVAC".

Today’s guest is Scott Arnold, a HVAC technician and small business owner based out of New York.

With heating and cooling accounting for nearly 50% of energy costs, upgrading outdated appliances can not only save homeowners money but also provide a cleaner environment to live in and a healthier planet overall. Scott’s company is working to help customers purchase and install heat pumps as an alternative to gas furnaces. In his 22+ years of experience working in the space, Scott has built a business facilitating the transition not only with his customers, but also through his employee training and apprenticeship programs.

In this episode, Scott and Yin talk about the history of heating, what it takes to make his business run, the importance of getting more young people working in the trades, and how in his vocabulary the word cold doesn’t exist. You’ll have to keep listening to find out why.

Click for Episode

Comfort and Healthier Air With Mitsubishi Mini-Split

Young woman in purple yoga pants relaxing with her dogs in front of a Mitsubishi heating and cooling system.

Suppose you are looking for heating and cooling solutions that can create a comfortable indoor environment and improve indoor air quality. Then look no further than the Mitsubishi mini-split systems. These systems have advanced technologies that deliver precise comfort and healthier air in one room or your entire home. By choosing Mitsubishi mini-split systems, you can enjoy a cost-effective and energy-efficient solution to your HVAC needs. This blog post will explore the benefits of Mitsubishi mini-split systems and why they are an excellent option for New York, and Albany, homeowners.

Comfortable Indoor Environment

The Mitsubishi mini-split systems provide greater temperature control and flexibility, so you can customize your indoor environment to suit your needs. With the system’s advanced technology, you can set different temperatures in each room to meet your family’s individual comfort preferences. In addition, you’ll have remote access to the temperature controls through your smartphone or tablet, allowing you to adjust the settings from anywhere in your home.

Energy Efficiency 

In contrast to traditional heating and cooling systems that often use up excess energy, Mitsubishi mini-split systems feature advanced technology that allows them to operate more efficiently. With their efficient operation, these systems can save you up to 40% on your energy bills, making them a cost-effective option for homeowners who want to reduce their energy consumption and save money.

Get three estimates

We understand that there are many installers of mini-split systems, where we desire to be your first choice, we recommend you to call two or even three of our competitors. Consider this task to be an act that will save you thousands. Operating this way provides an evident awareness of what the market for this job is. As a result, you will be well informed, but it will also give you confidence in your decision. At a minimum, you should observe a quote describing the work involved and the parts associated with the job. Then bring those quotes to Rycor, where you will receive comprehensive advice from our experts on every piece of equipment used for the job. When you choose to use Rycor as your provider, we will also give you a hundred dollars off your installation for up to three competitive quotes.

Better Indoor Air Quality 

Another benefit of Mitsubishi mini-split systems is their ability to improve indoor air quality. They have advanced air filtration systems that remove common allergens, pollutants, and bacteria from indoor air, ensuring you and your family always breathe clean and healthy air. Additionally, Mitsubishi air handling units run quietly, so they won’t produce the noise and vibration that can contribute to indoor air pollution.

No Ductwork

The installation process of Mitsubishi mini-split systems is simple and non-invasive. Unlike traditional HVAC systems, you won’t have to deal with bulky ductwork or invasive installation procedures that can take up valuable space in your home; as mini-split systems are compact and require minimal modifications to your existing structure, the installation process is quick. With RYCOR HVAC installing your Mitsubishi air handling units, you will experience minimal disruption to your daily routine and can look forward to comfort by day’s end.

A Greener Planet

Finally, you’ll play a vital role in reducing your carbon footprint by choosing Mitsubishi mini-split systems. These highly efficient systems use less energy to heat and cool your home, producing fewer emissions. As a result, reducing your household’s energy consumption can contribute to a cleaner and greener planet.

Mitsubishi Electric mini-split systems provide homeowners with highly efficient heating and cooling solutions that offer more precise comfort, healthier air, and energy savings. With minimal installation requirements, ease of use, and better indoor air quality, mini-split systems are an excellent option for New York and Albany homeowners. By choosing Mitsubishi air handling units, you get a cost-effective, energy-efficient, and eco-friendly solution to your HVAC needs. If you want to experience more precise comfort and healthier air in your home, now is the time to consider Mitsubishi mini-split systems.

Homeowner Success Story

Brown house in the distance with blue skies and green grass.

Justin Wadsworth, along with his wife and two children, moved into their new home in New Paltz, New York in June 2022. A self-described “IT guy” with a passion for innovation, living in a home with sustainable, energy-efficient systems has long been his goal. After moving in, one of his first to-dos was decommissioning the home’s existing oil boiler and centralized ducted HVAC system and upgrading to an all-electric, variable capacity heat pump system from Mitsubishi Electric.

Installation of the ductless heat pump system, featuring seven wall-mounted indoor units paired 1:1 with outdoor units, was completed by RYCOR HVAC in September 2022. Immediately, Justin and his family began enjoying the benefits of superior comfort and reliable performance. After only a few months of use, Justin could easily see how well his heat pump system outperformed the conventional, centralized system. His average monthly electric usage and costs were both down 55 percent.

Even after going all-electric, the Wadsworth home can use less energy from the electric grid thanks in large part to the 29-panel SunPower Equinox® System solar array. Another contributing factor is the INVERTER-driven compressor technology used in the Mitsubishi Electric heat pump system, which only uses the precise amount of energy needed to reach and maintain a set point temperature. So far, the numbers speak for themselves – Justin’s pursuit of an innovative and energy-efficient system has paid off.

During the cold New York winters, the Wadsworths also benefit from Hyper-Heating INVERTER® (H2i®) compressor technology. This innovation allows their system to perform at 100 percent of rated capacity in outdoor temperatures as low as -5° F with guaranteed operation down to -13° F. The family enjoys reliable, year-round comfort, on top of their impressive energy savings.


  • All-electric heating and air conditioning reduces the home’s carbon footprint
  • Seven individually controlled comfort zones
  • Simplified maintenance
  • Advanced air filtration leads to improved indoor air quality
  • INVERTER-driven compressors minimize electrical usage
  • Hyper-Heating INVERTER® (H2i®) compressors enhance cold climate performance

Project Details:

  • Completed: September 2022
  • Climate: Cool/Humid; Zone 6A
  • Footprint:

    • Two-story, contemporary colonial-style home
    • 3,761 square feet
    • 4 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms
    • 29-panel solar array

Project Partners:

  • Distributor: Meier Supply (Middletown, NY)
  • HVAC Contractor: RYCOR HVAC (New Paltz, NY)

Equipment Installed:

  • (7) MUZ-FS Outdoor Units
  • (7) MSZ-FS Wall-mounted Indoor Units

Advancements Of Heating and Cooling Technology

Old gas furnace units sitting on the grass lawn.

Old furnace system displayed next to the Mistubishi heating and cooling system.

Today’s all-electric heat pumps are light years ahead of furnaces, boilers, and baseboard heaters.

In the same way that listening to a record on a phonograph can make you more appreciative of today’s crystal-clear soundbars and surround-sound speaker systems, we occasionally like to look back and salute the heating and cooling systems of the past. So let’s take a trip down memory lane to see how far we’ve advanced in achieving the right temperature in our homes.


Boilers are large-sized, closed containers designed to warm-up water to create steam or vapor for heating purposes. The boiler and a network of piping, a circulator pump, radiators, and a baseboard are all required to make this system work. Then components are installed in different spaces and rooms for proper heat distribution. Residential boilers can have many other parts, depending on how many rooms require heating in your home. Boilers are challenging to install, expensive, and only offer heat. And if your boiler happens to leak, severe water damage is inevitable.


A furnace often called “central forced-air” blows incoming air over a heated metal heat exchanger. Once heated, the air passes through HVAC ductwork for distribution. Downflow, up-flow, and horizontal are the three main types of furnaces. Powering a furnace is done by natural gas, oil, electricity, and propane.

Unfortunately, forced-air heat is known for being inconsistent. With a central furnace, hot and cold spots are common.

Older Heat Pumps

We love heat pumps at RYCOR HVAC, but not all heat pumps are created equal! This technology has become an increasingly popular option for residential heating and cooling since the 1970s, but the early models left a lot to be desired, particularly for cold-climate performance. Older, fixed-capacity heat pumps were known to lose heating capacity at around 40° F. These first-generation heat pumps were generally installed in mild, even climates. Modern Heat Pumps Heat pump innovation has dramatically increased the effectiveness and efficiency of these systems. The latest Mitsubishi Electric heat pumps are built for high performance and can solve comfort issues in any climate. The INVERTER-driven compressor in the outdoor units pinpoints the exact amount of energy needed to heat or cool an area. That means ultra-efficiency and the highest level of comfort possible.

Mitsubishi Ductless Mini-Splits have Hyper-Heating INVERTER® (H2i®) capability to provide continuous heating at temperatures as low as -13° F.

As cutting-edge technologies further integrate into heating and cooling equipment, we’re likely to see even more progress in terms of the quality and cost of heating and cooling your home in the future. Today’s all-electric high-performance models from Mitsubishi Electric deliver the best in heating and air conditioning for your comfort, your family’s savings, and the environment.

Ulster BOCES Alumni Return to Work With Current Students

Rycor Heating & Cooling technician demonstrates the installation of a heating system to a student.

Current Ulster BOCES Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC) students recently got a glimpse of what their future careers could look like as three Ulster BOCES alumni, who are now HVAC clean heat technicians with the New Paltz-based company Rycor Heating & Cooling, demonstrated the installation of a heating system in the program’s lab.

Career & Technical Center 2021 HVAC graduate Jayden Brown and 2018 Automotive Technology graduate Logan Davis, both from the New Paltz Central School District, along with Kingston resident William Peppers, who completed the Adult Career Education Center’s Oil Heat Technician and Air Conditioning and Refrigeration programs, kicked off the project by talking about the heating unit, related equipment, and the execution of the installation.

Brown worked hands-on with the students, believing it would give them a better understanding of both their book work and their classroom lessons. “The three most important things I wanted them to see were flaring pipes, connecting pipes, and then connecting the condenser,” he explains. “I wanted to touch on multiple points about what they are learning in the classroom. I didn’t want them thinking, ‘Why are we learning this?’”

Brown credits his former teacher, Dave Brannen, with building his confidence by challenging him to try new things. “Mr. Brannen had faith in me,” recalls Brown. “If there was something technical, he would throw me into it.” Brown used the same technique with the HVAC students on the day of the install.

Brown has been with Rycor since he was hired in his junior year to work during his senior year in the Ulster BOCES Capstone work-study program. He says his education was seamless as he moved into the professional environment at Rycor. “I took my experience from what I learned at school and I put it together, so I learned fairly quickly,” he reflects. “I had a grasp on things that someone outside of the field wouldn’t have.”

Rycor Heating & Cooling owner Scott Arnold also completed the Ulster BOCES Adult Career Education HVAC program and received his EPA Universal Certification. He started his business in 2003, and provided the equipment and manpower for the install to help today’s students get a glimpse of the opportunities offered by this particular career path. In addition to giving his workers time for the demonstration, Arnold donated a Mitsubishi Mini Split High Efficiency Heat Pump System. “I wanted them to see three individuals–not one but three–who came from the same environment,” he explains. “I thought that would be very compelling.”

With seven employees who have been educated at the Ulster BOCES Career & Technical Center and the Adult Career Education Center, Arnold says he wants to give young people entering the field the chance to experience the trade, and he finds it rewarding to watch them grow professionally.

Besides building on his technical knowledge and mechanical skills, Brown says that he enjoys the fact that Rycor’s professional culture focuses on teamwork and on providing a positive customer experience. “There is such structure there,” he says, explaining that the employees are mindful of the way they dress–and that he is even mindful of the kind of music he listens to outside of work. “If I am wearing company clothes, I am going to be professional in those clothes,” he explains. “Everyone there follows that example, because it all goes back to Scott [Arnold].”

The External Costs Of Comfort

A community of homes with smoking chimney during the winter months

Many of us have purchased oil or natural gas to heat our homes. The price we pay for delivery is known as the direct cost. The direct cost doesn’t reflect the actual costs we all pay.

The price of these fuels have hidden costs known as externalities. These hidden costs have severe consequences to our individual lives and people’s lives on a global scale. While we are burning these fossil fuels for comfort and pleasure, cases of asthma and cancer rise along with the sea level each year.

Carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide add to the pollution that is already plaguing the planet. In areas where we can change, we choose not to make the necessary changes to provide the many long-term benefits we all desire.

Many of the consequences of our actions are far removed from our daily experience and only immediately affect small populations. The stories of the coal miners who have lung cancer are just stories until someone we know is involved and is slowly suffering from the harsh reality that they are in a relentless fight for their life.

Do the costs of our actions outweigh the reward?

Like all other products we have become accustomed to, the Ductless Mini Split also has these external costs. These externalities come from the acquisition of raw materials, production, and the transportation of raw and finished goods. However, the return on investment to the individual, the population at large, and the environment ultimately outweighs the cost.

Consider the cycle of pollution when burning oil, wood, etc. and how it provides temporary comfort. That energy used for those fleeting moments remains in the environment. Enough of this energy overtime increases the global temperature.

This global temperature increase impacts the cold regions and destabilizes the polar vortex, which regulates weather patterns. These new patterns begin to shift warm and cold air currents randomly. Over time, glaciers melt and break off into the oceans. This melting creates rising sea levels, land erosion, and the release of other global warming gasses previously trapped in the ice.

The Ductless Mini Split recycles the heat energy that has been put into the environment to produce heat and cooling. Although this does not fix the damage done, it becomes a solution to drastically decreasing global pollution.

The sacrifice we could make and the reward we would gain

I often think of the fast-food industry when I consider internal and external pollution. If I eat enough fast food, I will become unhealthy, sick, and have many health-related issues later in life. By supporting these venues, I am directly contributing to the environmental waste as I will not reuse the paper/plastic products used in packaging

I am also factored into the production of these foods as I would naturally expect such fast delivery. When consumers don’t show up, these companies discard the overproduced food. Also wasted are the hidden costs of that food’s production.

When we apply the same logic to the heating and cooling of our homes, we find similar connections. When using fossil fuels to heat and cool our homes, we pollute the environment at a much greater rate. When we turn on our furnaces to heat our homes, we add heat energy into the atmosphere—the waste compounds when that energy heats empty rooms.

Don’t get me wrong, I use natural gas for cooking and for heating the water to take a warm shower; but when I heat or cool the house, hours of use go by rather than minutes here and there. When we consider this on a grander scale, we begin to see the picture. When we think of the Ductless Mini Split alternative, we discover a solution to waste. We also realize how the Ductless Mini Split minimizes our expense, carbon footprint and maximizes efficiency and comfort.

Our part in energy conservation and global pollution

Each of us contributes to the destruction of Earths’ natural resources. Through the way we choose to live, we can also give back more than what we consume. The effort is small, and the price is minimal compared to that which our health and comfort will eventually pay. Mini Split systems are energy-efficient solutions that are readily available.

With the addition of an ActivePure hood, it can further protect your home from viruses, bacterial contaminants, and other harmful germs.

Collectively we can reduce water pollution, noise pollution, acid rain, light pollution, and more. The best part is that our small effort enhances the quality of our life. Our combined efforts can change the health of the planet.

Mitsubishi Heat Pump

Mitsubishi ductless mini split comfort

The ‘Mitsubishi Heat Pump,’ with its advanced technology and functioning, is the perfect heating and cooling system. Its dual functionality in all seasons makes it an efficient and effective substitute for your traditional gas heating systems and fireplaces. This article will discuss all you need to know about the ‘Mitsubishi Heat Pump’ and its contribution to a better environment.

How Do Mitsubishi Heat Pumps Work?

For starters, let us discuss the basic working of the ‘Mitsubishi Heat Pump’ to give you an overview of its efficiency and enhanced functionality.

The heat pump comprises two units: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The outdoor unit is the condenser, and it pulls in the heat energy present in your environment, regardless of how cold it is outside.

The indoor Ductless Mini-Split unit regulates that energy, keeping your house warm. The opposite process occurs in the summer; heat energy is being pushed outside of your home’s surrounding air, making your house cooler. All of the heat transfer occurs via the refrigerant process, commonly used in refrigerators. The gas/fluid moves in pipes and compresses and condenses/evaporates according to the temperature and pressure to give the overall desired effect.

The Benefits of a Mitsubishi Heat Pump:

In the world of home comfort and energy efficiency, Mitsubishi Electric has long been a trusted name, delivering cutting-edge solutions that redefine the way we experience warmth and cooling in our homes. One such innovation that has taken the HVAC industry by storm is the Mitsubishi Heat Pump. From revolutionizing the way we heat and cool our spaces to contributing to a greener planet, these systems offer an array of benefits that go beyond conventional heating and cooling methods.

Energy Efficient

As discussed in the heat pumps working, heat pumps only regulate heat; they don’t create heat. Heat pumps transfer the energy available outside your house to inside your house. This way, no extra heat is produced and released into the environment, contributing to the already growing problem of the Green House effect. This way, the adverse effects caused by heat in the background are prevented, and your environment is kept clean and safe.

Moreover, very little electrical energy is required to run the compressor in the outside unit. 1kW of electrical energy will output 4kW of heat energy compared to your ordinary heater, which gives you only 1kW of heat energy to 1kW of electrical energy. Meaning, 3kW of heat energy is recovered from the outside environment, added to the input energy, and outputs to you-leading to a more efficient system as there is no power loss. This way, you use less electrical energy, meaning you contribute less to burning more fossil fuels to produce that electrical energy.

Consequently, you save the environment from all the harmful byproducts of that process, including oxidants’ release, which causes acid rain and other dangerous effects. All of this happens with no compromise on your comfort and no compromise to your bank account.

Because of its high energy efficiency, the overall long-term costs of using the heat pump lowers. That means you get to save a lot more money than you would if you were to use a gas or a standard electrical heater.

Filters the Air and Keeps it Clean:

Another benefit of the ‘Mitsubishi Heat Pump’ is that it cleans your air. This filtration system is a fundamental quality in every ‘Mitsubishi’ product. Unlike heating systems like the gas heater, which lowers your air quality by absorbing the oxygen, heat pumps improve the air quality with their filtration system. In all seasons, your Mitsubishi system absorbs and filters the air. All the germs, allergens, bacteria, and deodorizing particles are filtered out and removed, leaving a better and fresh breath of air. This way, all heat given out and taken into and from the surroundings is clean and pollutant-free, making your home environment healthy.

Unlike all other traditional heaters, including wood burning, the heat pump doesn’t burn anything to keep you warm. That means there is no release of carbon emissions in the form of soot, smoke, and fumes, which can deteriorate the environment’s air.

Comfortable and Safe:

Compared to other heating systems, heat pumps use an intelligent Ductless Mini-Split to regulate heat around the room. As a result, the heat is distributed around your room evenly, whereas traditional heaters are spot heaters, and their range is proximal. 

The Ductless Mini-Split unit also warms your room up to the temperature you’ve set and then stops, preventing a suffocating warm room. An added benefit to the system is, the Mitsubishi ductless unit is programmable to start its heating later in the day. Suppose you go to work and don’t want to come home to a cold room. No worries, you can program the unit to work according to your schedule. In fact, with the recent developments, you can now use WIFI to control your mini-split from wherever you are. All you need is an internet connection!

Furthermore, the Ductless Mini-Split is quiet and does not disturb you or your family while they work to keep you warm and fresh. As the heat pumps have no fire or a hot surface, they are perfectly safe for installation outside your home.

How Do Mitsubishi Hat Pumps Compare to Other Brands?

When it comes to selecting the perfect heating and cooling solution for your home, the marketplace is flooded with options from various brands, each claiming to offer the best performance and energy efficiency. Amidst this sea of choices, Mitsubishi Heat Pumps stand out as true game-changers in the HVAC industry. But how do they compare to other brands on the market? 

One of the standout features of Mitsubishi Heat Pumps is their superior technology and innovation. Mitsubishi Electric has a long history of pioneering advancements in HVAC systems, and their heat pumps are no exception. Compared to many other brands, Mitsubishi Heat Pumps often incorporate cutting-edge components like inverter-driven compressors, precision controls, and advanced air filtration systems. These technologies not only provide more precise temperature control and greater energy efficiency but also contribute to a quieter and more comfortable living environment. In contrast, some other brands may rely on older, less efficient technology that results in more temperature fluctuations, increased energy consumption, and noisier operation, which can detract from your home’s comfort and energy savings.

Why You Should Invest in a Mitsubishi Heat Pump

As you can see, the ‘Mitsubishi Heat Pump’ is the perfect heating and cooling device that meets and exceeds all your heating and cooling needs. With its advanced technology, it keeps you safe and comfortable. Because it uses less energy and does not produce any new heat makes it the best product for your environment. Furthermore, the Ductless Mini-Split has an advanced filtration system, making the surrounding air clean and fresh by filtering out pollutants. Adding an ActivePure Hood will also sanitize the room under three minutes. Sanitization is a mandatory defense in hospitals and other critical areas where contaminants may cause you harm; it makes sense to defend you and your loved ones in the same manner. Finally, the WIFI feature and presetting feature help you control your homes heating and cooling according to your daily schedule. All in all, the Mitsubishi Heat Pump and Ductless Mini-Split units are the systems you need to install if you want an efficient home, a lower carbon footprint, and a healthier environment.